Our Help in Trouble

Hello family and friends. I’m sorry I haven’t written any new blog posts lately. We’ve been very busy. Today I’m sharing something I wrote last year about an experience my family and I had when we were missionaries in Mexico. My true story was recently published in the anthology Experiencing God’s Presence: True Stories of Miraculous Moments with God.

I haven’t read all of the stories that are in this book, but I’m thankful that mine is included. I hope it’s a blessing for you.


Our Help in Trouble

As we traveled from Morelia, Mexico toward the Texas border, we drove through curvy mountain roads and stopped for burros in the middle of the highway. My husband and I were missionaries in Mexico, and we needed to reach the border to renew our visas before they expired. If we were late, we could go to jail. This trip was slower than usual because we pulled a small Airstream trailer behind our car.

A few hours south of the border, Mexican federal police pulled up beside us. They motioned for us to pull over to the side of the road. When we obeyed, four men jumped from their car, surrounded us, and pointed machine guns at us.

My heart raced as a man questioned my husband. “Where are your drugs and guns?”

Jim shook his head. “We don’t have any.”

The man scowled. “Why are you in Mexico?”

“We’re here to teach the Bible.”

The man shook his head, then he spoke to the other men with him. Two of them kept their guns pointed at my husband as they marched him into the Airstream.

I couldn’t understand the angry voices that came from inside of our trailer, but I silently prayed. “Lord, please protect Jim. Bring him back safely, and soon.”

The other two men stood beside our car pointing their guns at me and at our eleven-year-old son. My stomach tightened and my mouth went dry. I prayed again, and God’s presence comforted me.

The men asked me the same questions they’d asked Jim, and I gave the same answers. They spoke with each other, then one man pointed his flashlight at our son. “Why is your family in Mexico?”

“We came here so my parents could teach the Bible.”

“What’s the difference between our religion and what they teach?”

Billy pulled out several gospel tracts from our car’s glove compartment, and he handed the tracts to the men. After he explained the gospel to them, they stepped away from the car and whispered to each other.

The other men returned with my husband, then all four men stepped back and talked together. When they finished, one of them approached Jim. “Give us your money, and you can go. If you don’t, we’ll kill you all, and nobody will know what happened to you.”

Jim shook his head. “God will know. He knows everything. Besides, I don’t have money to give you. I just have enough gas money to get to Texas. We need to renew our visas before they expire.”

The man turned and spoke to the others, then they all got in their car and drove away.

My family praised God, then Jim prayed again. “Lord, please help us get to the border safely, and help us arrive in Texas before our visas expire.”

God’s presence gave us peace, and we reached Texas safely and on time.


“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 KJV

14 thoughts on “Our Help in Trouble”

  1. One amazing story I haven’t heard from all the wonderful testimonies you’ve shared with me. Love you Esther

    1. Esther M Bandy

      Thank you for your comment. The Lord protected us so many times during the years we were missionaries in Mexico. I continue to praise Him for His faithfulness and for His wonderful abiding presence! Love you, Adele!

    1. Esther M Bandy

      It was an experience I’ll never forget! I’m so grateful to the Lord for His mercy and His faithfulness.

    1. Esther M Bandy

      Hi, Rebecca.
      I’m so glad this was a blessing for you. You’re absolutely right! “God has our backs, and He’s good at His job!” I’m so grateful for His abiding presence with us.

  2. Thank you for sharing this, Esther!
    What a WONDERFUL story of God’s faithfulness & protection!
    I trust you and William continue to experience God’s constant care for you.

    1. Esther M Bandy

      Thank you for your comment, Evie.
      I’m glad this was a blessing for you. We are truly grateful to know the Lord and experience His constant care for us. We praise Him and thank Him for His faithfulness!

    1. Esther M Bandy

      It certainly was scary, but God is faithful. I’m grateful that our son was able to speak and share his faith, and I continue to praise the Lord for protecting us.

  3. Melba Jean Moore

    Remarkable story. Thankful God protected your family so you could continue your missionary work. Thank you for sharing the experience. 🙏

    1. Esther M Bandy

      Hi, Melba.
      I’m glad you enjoyed reading this, and I’m very grateful for the Lord’s protection and abiding presence. He is so faithful!

    1. Esther M Bandy

      Thank you for your comment, my friend. I praise the Lord for His faithfulness, and I’m truly grateful for His protection. We are so blessed to know Him!

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