This first poem is dedicated to my older sister, Mary, who taught me to love words and books.
Sister, Will You Read to Me?
“Sister, will you read to me?” the little sister said.
Then she climbed up on her sister’s lap while her big sister read.
Word by word, page by page, book by book they flew
Through adventures near and far while they both grew and grew.
Older now, they’re far apart and each one reads alone
But they still share their love for books together on the phone.
The following poems are dedicated to my wonderful Lord and Savior.
Come to Me
by Jim and Esther Bandy
Searching for something the world could not give me,
I stumbled on through the darkness each day.
Then I heard the story of one who died for me,
And when I listened, I heard the Lord say:
“Come to me, I came to forgive you.
Come to me, my mercies are great.
Come to me, you make the decision.
Come to me, before it’s too late.”
I saw the blood as it poured from His body.
Only His blood could wash my sins away.
Lost and unworthy, I asked Him for mercy.
I knelt before Him and heard the Lord say:
“Come to me, I came to forgive you.
Come to me, my mercies are great.
Come to me, you make the decision.
Come to me, before it’s too late.”
Now as I follow the path He lights for me,
I know the words that He told me are true.
He is the Light, He’s my Lord and my Savior.
I hear Him calling, He’s calling for you.
“Come to me, I came to forgive you.
Come to me, my mercies are great.
Come to me, you make the decision.
Come to me, before it’s too late.”
The Most Fruitful Fields
The sower went forth to sow for the harvest.
The field was the heart, and the seed was the Word.
The sower worked daily amongst thorns and stones
Beneath the hot sun and attacked by wild birds.
He sowed, and he watched, and he waited for harvest.
He wanted to bring precious souls to the Lord.
Then weakened and weary, he knew he must find rest.
He sat at the feet of the Master and heard,
“Please take my Word to the hearts of the children.
How can they believe if they still haven’t heard?
The most fruitful fields have long been neglected.
You’ll find them waiting all over the world.”
Adults are so prideful. Most children are humble.
Adults have religion. Most children seek God.
Adults often choose to stay on sin’s pathway,
While children more willingly turn to the Lord.
“Please take my Word to the hearts of the children.
How can they believe if they still haven’t heard?
The most fruitful fields have long been neglected.
You’ll find them waiting all over the world.”
The sower considered the words of the Master,
Then looking he saw fields he’d not seen before.
Though little in size they were quite large in number,
And now that he saw them, he saw more and more.
“Please take my Word to the hearts of the children.
How can they believe if they still haven’t heard?
The most fruitful fields have long been neglected.
You’ll find them waiting all over the world.”
The Lamb and the Lion
The Lamb and the Lion are coming again.
The last time He came as the Lamb.
The Lamb gave His blood to save us from sin.
He suffered and died, but He rose again.
The Lamb is in heaven now making a place
So that we can be with Him there.
Comfort each other, for He’ll take us home.
Soon we’ll join Him in the air!
Christ our Messiah is coming again.
When He returns, we’ll come back with Him.
He’s the way, truth, and life. He frees us from sin.
Friend, are you saved? Are you born again?
The Lamb and the Lion are coming again.
Friend, are you ready? Ready for Him?
He’s the Alpha, Omega, beginning and end.
He’s the eternal Word. Let’s all worship Him!
The Missing Piece
Life is the puzzle I live in. You were the missing peace.
Satan had chained my soul to sin. Your blood is my release.
You are my Savior, Oh, my Lord, the Son of God, you are the Word.
You are the light. You are the door. I long to praise and love You more.
You Are My Lord
You are my Lord and you give me strength from your Word.
You are all I need every day, and I know you’ll never go away from me.
You are my king. Only you can make my heart sing.
All I have and all that I am, you created all, for you.
Only you can make my lips proclaim the wonders of your story.
Only you can teach my heart the praises of your glory.